about us

Thanks for visiting our website. We are Curious Tales Theate – a theatre company formed in 2017.

From small beginnings, we’ve learnt a lot and developed strong relationships in theatre production.

We believe theatre and art is a means to build community and connect people. We have made it our mission to help develop new writing and make theatre accessible to all.

Curious Tales’ mission is to create engaging theatre with an artistic twist, by pushing boundaries whilst telling relatable stories, which connect our communities and audiences in an accessible way.

If you’d like to learn more about the Curious Tales Theatre family, including our fabulous patreons –  please use the button below.


 We have produced several productions and have collaborated with other productions too!

Check them out below 🙂


We’d love to hear from you!

Feel free to connect with us on social media, drop us an email at hello@curioustalestheatre.com or use the form.

We welcome submissions, proposals, all forms of queries or just little messages to say ‘hi’